eLSi e-learning for Life Sciences internationalisation

eLSi – e-learning platform to support internationalisation

The life science sector has never been so global and there is an increasing need for international collaborations and entering high growth markets outside Europe. This requires a good understanding of the life science and healthcare sectors in the target countries and specific intercultural business skills.

The new e-learning platform eLSi addresses these needs by providing a free interactive platform with online resources on eight high growth regions.

  • If you are at the early stage of your internationalisation strategy and want to know more about these markets or if you want to tackle a new region for your company, eLSi offers you a range of documents and interviews with experts, including the key information you need to know: structure of the life science markets, key country players, healthcare regulation, culture facts …
  • If you already targeted one or more of the countries available on the platform, you will find relevant information on how to start your business, the negotiation process, business etiquette and language tips.

eLSi – a range of resourceful materials

Each country package on the platform can be consulted independently and does not require more than 10 minutes for an overview of the topics.

Materials provided include:

  • Insight reports on the life science sector and its regulation
  • Maps with Life science hot spots of the target country
  • Legal guidelines and key contacts
  • Videos from industry and intercultural business experts
  • Weblinks for further readings

multi beneficiaries


The flexibility of the eLSi platform makes it accessible to various stakeholders who are:

  • Pharma, medtech, biotech and healthcare companies’ managers
  • VETs (Vocational Education Trainers), incl. business consultants
  • Culture and Language service providers
  • Cluster/business support organisations

8 high growth regions covered


The eLSi platform covers eight life science hot spots, offering you and your company resources to develop your internationalisation strategy for:




Did you know that...?

... working with Middle East counterparts you could expect your contracts to be changed during their validity period? And you can also do it...

... in Middle East countries when you want to reward somebody for good results, it is much better to reward the entire team rather than an individual?

... Brazilians tend to negotiate with people rather than with companies and that if you change your negotiation team/person, you will have to start over again from the beginning?

... in Brazil appearance is very important, so it is better to stay in a first class hotel and entertain in a prestigious restaurant?

...  in Brazil business culture is hierarchical and decisions are always taken by the  highest ranking person?

Australia is often used as a test market for medical devices?

Australians believe in the concept of win-win during negotiations?

… each Chinese province has it´s own pharmaceutical market structure and its own network of distributors?

… text messaging is much more popular in the business context in China than in Europe? It is used as a quick and easy way of communicating.

… the city Bangalore is the main life science R&D hub in India?

… the left hand is considered as unclean in India? You should not use them particularly when eating.

…coming too late for a meeting is regarded as impolite in Japan?

…you should not be pushy when you not get an immediate answer from a Japanese business partner during negotiation?

…in South Korea gifts are exchanged in business as way of cementing relationships?

…in South Korea maintaining eye contact is not considered as good etiquette?

...Americans desire to debate issues directly and openly? Coded speech and verbosity is often seen as time wasting.

...Americans tend to work longer hours and take fewer days of vacation than their European counterparts?