India Training Materials

Life Science Clusters in India

CONTENT of this page

1.) The current status of the life science industry in India

2.) Life Science business culture and negotiation process in India

3.) Business etiquette in India - Do's & Dont's

4.) Starting your business in India

5.) Language - basics & tips

1.) The current status of the life science sector in India:

Overview of the pharma and biotech sectors, life science hotspots in India,
the healthcare system and regulatory affairs.

Public funding and support - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 4 min) YouTube

Market overview, trends and development - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 7 min) YouTube

Market specifics - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Indian market: understanding the diversity - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Life Science regions in India

Life Science Regions in India (MAP)
Take a look at the geographic hotspots of biotech, med tech and life science research in India.

Cluster Regions in India (MAP)
Have a look at the most important cluster regions in India.

Information and further reading:

Pharma and Biotechsector in India - UKTI - 2013 (Document)
This powerpoint presents a good overview of the life sciences sector in India with a mention of the main regions, main sectors, main companies. It’s a concise summary of collaboration opportunities.

IndianBiotechnologyRoadmap - ABLE - 2012 (Document)
A very comprehensive description of the life science sector by the national trade organisation Able. This 137 pages report covers all the bio sectors (Bio-Pharma, Health, Bio-Agro, Bio-Industry, Bio-Informatics) and addresses the conditions for a healthy and collaborative Indian Bio-Economy. Despite being from 2012, the report is still up to date and Able is the reference for the Life Sciences industry in India with a lots of specific publications to upload online e.g. this very good 2013 review of the industry.

IndiaPharmaReport - FocusReport - 2011 (Document)
It’s a specialised report on the Pharma industry in India (20 pages). It gives more insights on the key players and development trends in pharma only.

Intellectual Property and Patent Protection in India

eLSi Expert Interview

IP and regulations - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 2 min) YouTube

Information and further reading:

Intellectual Property Rights in India - PatentOffice - 2013 (Document)
This 12 pages report summarises basic information on intellectual property in India with a list of other organisations to contact for further advices.

2.) Life Science business culture and negotiation process in India

eLSi Expert Interviews

Cultural differences: Business- Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 2 min) YouTube

Cultural differences: Negotiation- Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Cultural differences: Conclusion of contract - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Information and further reading:

Lets make a deal - Executive Planet - 2013 (Document)
Explains the different points to take into consideration in a negotiation process. The text on the document comes from this website.

Doing Business in India - WorldBusinessCulture - 2013 (Document)
This covers all the business culture aspects: business structure, management style, team work, women in business… The text on the document comes from this Website.

India PeopleCultureCommunication - RLN - 2004 (Guide)
A generalist 2 pages factsheets about culture in India.

3.) Business etiquette in India - Do's & Dont's

eLSi Expert Interviews

Communication etiquette - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Gift exchange - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Relationship building - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Dress code - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Gender issues - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 1 min) YouTube

Information and further reading:

Business Etiquette - WorldBusinessCulture - 2013 (Document)
This document gives advices regarding business meeting, dress codes, conversation, gifts and entertainment in a business context.

Online resources:

Business culture in India

4.) Starting your business in India

eLSi Expert Interviews

Starting business in India - Hear it from an expert (VIDEO, 3 min) YouTube

Information and further reading:

India Business Guide
This website gather all the macro economics data which could be useful to set up a business in India.

Starting a business in India
This page describes absolutely all the steps in details to run through in order to set-up a business in India. It also gives information on the time and costs associated with each step.

Legal, tax and incentives
This page  describes very well the legal and taxes framework for business in India.

Online resources:

Doing business in India

Why India?

5.) Language - basics & tips

Basic language facts

Language - UKTI - 2010 (Document)
It’s a 2 pages summary of the Indian languages, their use of English and which contains links on Hindi resources (words and sentences to be used in a business context).

India Talk the Talk- RLN-2010 (Document)